The story is that the pilot/s did walk away. The plane

by Bob Hatfield @, Sunday, November 27, 2016, 03:20 (2856 days ago) @ Bryan
edited by Bob Hatfield, Monday, November 28, 2016, 16:53

was stripped a little at a time by hunters over the years. It is in a remote area that is about 10 miles in any direction from a house now in 2016. I'll wager that in the 1940's it would have been much farther to find a farmer or cabin in this area. THE engine was hauled out by mules on a sled. There are parts and pieces everywhere. A young guy was there last week and found a small tank of some sort. He took the spec plate off of it and it said it was manufactured in 1942 and it was marked 4 gallons. Everyone was amazed at the small fuel capacity. I told them that it probably had a dry sump engine and that was the oil tank.


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