anyone here use bee pollen or royal jelly as a supplement?

by Otony, Friday, May 11, 2012, 10:58 (4527 days ago)

Just curious if you may have had any beneficial (or otherwise) effects?

I take a few different doctor recommended supplements since having the stent procedure, Co Q 10 and L-Carnetine. I have been using Omega-3 (fish oil) for about two years now. There is a multi-vitamin in my morning regime as well, along with extra vitamin D.

I also take Crestor to combat cholesterol, and Plavix to thin my blood and prevent clotting (this should only be necessary for a year according to the cardiologist).

So, are any other here vitamin or supplement users/believers? And if so, what type of things do you use?


I use bees wax

by Bud, Friday, May 11, 2012, 11:40 (4527 days ago) @ Otony

as an ingredient in bullet lube...good stuff. In addition to a daily vitamin (minus iron) I take a D and B plus flax and fish oil. I like something called "Sea Buckthorn" and also a seaweed suppliment. It is a good idea to take something for colon cancer....Saw Pemento (sp). Wash all this down with a cold beer.

consider this one: longevinex

by cable, Friday, May 11, 2012, 11:59 (4527 days ago) @ Otony

there is quite a bit of medical literature supporting its use for keeping your heart [and rest of your parts ] healthy

i take it twice daily and have done so for several years.

also capsules with arginine and citrulline

by cable, Friday, May 11, 2012, 12:17 (4527 days ago) @ cable

there is a significant developing medical literature on the benefits of arginine supplements for vascular health esp cardiovascular health

here is one reliable brand:

i take this as well.

the crestor is excellent choice and you are wise to include CoQ 10 along with it.

these things also fall into the category that will do no har

by cable, Friday, May 11, 2012, 12:17 (4527 days ago) @ cable

and that is important of course!

I've been using 'em for years with no ill effect until

by brionic @, Friday, May 11, 2012, 21:34 (4526 days ago) @ Otony

recently... have had some atopic dermatitis issues using a mix of bees wax and oils on my face, when coupled with lack of sleep and other physical stresses... my face swelled grotesquely. The doctor advised just because it's natural doesn't mean it can't hurt you, if you are allergic or sensitive.

Go figure... years of beneficial use, followed by an event that I prefer not to repeat which has caused me to discontinue use.

I've been using 'em for years with no ill effect until

by Otony, Friday, May 11, 2012, 23:14 (4526 days ago) @ brionic

I am beyond certain that you are undergoing extreme physical stress right now, as well as more emotional turmoil than any parent should ever have to face. No wonder you have had a reaction. I rather imagine the stress may well have had more to do with it than the bee products.

Just so you know, we are holding your family in our prayers every day. I did not realize until a few moments ago that there was a way we might be able to assist Dashiell. Could you please contact me via email so our family could reach out to yours? Sorry to type this, but I am not sure I could hold it together as you are.

Your friend,

Tony Aveni

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