Prayer cover requested

by Paul ⌂, Monday, November 14, 2016, 11:36 (2869 days ago)

Guys, it's been a while since I asked for prayer cover, but tomorrow I take off on a week + motorcycle trip to visit a couple of churches in different areas of the country and riding through unknown (to me) territory. With the current commander in chief the stability established by the previous guy has been seriously compromised. One route I was contemplating, for example, now runs through "dubious territory", if you get my drift. That gives me TWO chances to ride through the nation's capital end to end, thank you very much... <sigh> Anyway, will be out of the office from tomorrow early 'til midweek next week sometime. If any of y'all need to reach me for some reason, just send an email via gmail to AmBraCol (that's my cell phone address, so please no chain letters, nigerian prince jackpots, etc) Just place the parts of the address in correct relation with an AT symbol and .com following.

I'm looking forward to some road time, back woods and twisty mountain roads on the Rumbler 500, but am a bit leery of taking "the road less traveled because it runs through rebel territory". Since roads here are not that well marked it'd be easy to do.

Y'all take care. My plan is to post occasional YouTube cell phone videos (unedited, just the way they come from the phone's storage to the Cloud) along the way. Just drop by and search for Andean Rambler.

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