Just put a Tech Sight on my AK... I'm impressed

by JD, Western Washington, Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 17:03 (2896 days ago)


AK open sights are getting to be a challenge for my aging eyes, so I thought I would give the Tech Sight rear aperture sight a try. I'm used to using aperture sights from years of competition and military rifle shooting, and they are a lot easier for use with aging eyes. Plus, for the AK they literally double the sight radius!!!!

I'm a "picky" engineer (My friends tend to use the word "anal" when they think I can't hear, but I'm sure they mean it in a good way :-) ). This sight is extremely well made. Tight tolerances, well designed and well made, plus super strong so that I don't think that you damage this thing with a hammer. It took a bit of fitting to get the rear to fit in the recoil spring guide rod slot at the rear of the receiver. Tech Sight says to use a file to remove material if required, but the steel is so hard that on mine a file wouldn't touch it. I ended up using a stone, which I prefer anyway as there is less chance of removing too much material. 20 minutes of work and it fits perfectly. Just enough clearance to allow it to slide into the slot, but no movement or wiggle. Very nice!!!!!!

The Tech Sight makes removing the action cover a bit more work, but probably only adds 20 seconds or so to take down.

At the range the sight was MUCH MORE USABLE than the dinky original sight. I could shoot decent groups again!!!!! It is the best money I have spent on one of my AK's !!!!

I liked this sight so much that I'm going to order one for one of my folding stock Yugo AK's.

While I'm not the biggest fan of AK rifles, I do find it interesting to see how the design functions and how the designer solved the same basic problems that every other designer has had to contend with. While AR's are more accurate and nicer made (I have several....), the AK is a functional brute of a rifle, plus I have LOTS of ammo for it from back when you could buy the stuff for 6 cents a round..... When I bought my AK's you could buy decent examples for under $300, and I've come to appreciate them for what they are.......

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