If I may...

by Byron, Monday, October 17, 2016, 21:49 (2897 days ago) @ Bryan

I have been criticized for this position in the past but I still hold to it.

If your goal is to learn to maybe shoot somebody quick with a sidearm and for sure not get shot yourself (which should be the optimum outcome of any gunfight) the solution is clear.

Train force on force in your backyard in the dark with a flashlight and do it a lot.

Buy two high quality air soft pistols that match your side arm and proper flashlights, head out into your backyard with a friend at night and shoot it out until you both look like you have the measles. Have a couple of beers and do it again half buzzed. Get the hang of point shooting instinctively. Do it until it is hard wired.

A couple of things will become instantly clear.

To stand and deliver will get you shot right off the bat.

If one excepts the fact that 90% of civilian shooting are at conversational distance and most in the dark, the only thing that wins is speed and violence of action.

If you can jerk your sidearm and fire a burst at your man's face as fast as you can while jumping off to the side and running away as fast as you can and don't get shot...your a big winner and that's as good as it gets.

I have spent a fortune at gun slinger courses but some of the best training ever was/is the in back yard with some high school air soft ninjas and it was free.

Force on force is the only way to learn how to not get shot and can be learned at a very high level with very little money in your backward.

I have enjoyed most of the gun slinger courses I have taken however most of them taught marksmanship instead of how to not get shot.

Big difference.



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