Russian made Match grade 22shorts?

by, Wednesday, May 09, 2012, 10:48 (4529 days ago) @ Alfred John

I paid $99.00 for a case of 7200 rounds of them to use in my two 22SHORT pistols. You will need the modify the spring system in your autoloading guns as these are loaded to about 650FPs for use in INTERNATIONAL RAPID FIRE competition. In my ASTRA CUB I used the lightweight WOLFE GLOCK TRIGGER RETURN SPRING as a recoil spring and the pistol worked perfectly with the Russkie ammo and was extremely accurate in that dinky pistol hitting tin cans all day at 25 yards and tomato juice cans at 50 yards with ease.
ALSO, they will not chamber in many american 22LR chambers because they are WELL on the outside of SAAMI specifications for O.D.on the bullets and the cases.

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