That's it; I'm done.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 05:17 (2904 days ago)

I looked around The Dungeon recently and shook my head. I have dies and components to reload well over 75 different cartridges. There is no more room on my shelves to store bullets and they are stacked on the bench and just about every available flat surface in the room. The safes are full and there are various "projects" lying about in nearly every corner. There are a ridiculous number of coffee cans of brass stacked up in one corner. There are molds and sizing dies, trimmers and pilots, widgets, gee-gaws and gadgets for all sorts of purposes.

The logistics are huge.

I have come to the conclusion that simplification is needed. No more obsolete cartridges. No more exotic loadings. No more wildcats. No more making cases from something else. No more having multiple cartridges in identical calibers.

I have a 12 gauge, a .30-06 and .22LR in both rifle and pistol. They will do anything a fella wants or is likely to do. The rest are merely distractions and should be shown the door.

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