They got too far off, into decorator and clothing and.....

by YJohn Meeker @, Tuesday, October 04, 2016, 10:58 (2910 days ago) @ Bryan

other divers 'family' goods. The huge lovely store at Dundee Mich seems to do a land rush biz, but we've stopped there in mid-week and it's nearly deserted. The gun section does really well, altho8ugh they have a 'botique' room for anything remotely vintage -- and priced accordingly. We knew the first opening manager, and he was strictly 'out doors' oriented. When the other categories started showing up, I noted his departure. He did not like the direction the stores were going. changes...I still miss Herter's Catalogs, if for nothing else than the flamboyant descriptions and tales.

I guess we can miss Cabelas, eventually, as well.

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