Do any you find the Glock 17/22 fits your hand better than..

by rob @, Friday, September 30, 2016, 18:38 (2914 days ago)

the 19/23 versions? I finally got rid of my Glock 19 because I just couldn't ever make peace with the ergonomics...even after some alteration. But our department issues Glock 22s and surprisingly it feels a lot better in my hand. The hump is lower on the backstrap and that just changes everything. I was going to carry my 1911 (and I still may) but I'm seriously considering buying my own G22 and using it. I won't have to worry about getting my 1911 wet in foul weather and beating up the grips in the course of duty. Having 40 S&W issued for practice every quarter for free is a plus too. I could go with an XD or XDm as well. Thinkin on it...


by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Friday, September 30, 2016, 22:33 (2914 days ago) @ rob

I have to remove the ☣@&$☢!#®π←☠™ finger groove humps from a G19 to make one fit me.

G22s finger grooves fit almost perfectly and when I had the chance to pickup a RTF2, it was even better. Even so, there are a few tricks I can pass on to improve things a little.

Interesting that you brought up the XD series. I have one of the .45 Tacticals and I like the fit even better than a Glock.

Even more interesting is that the last folks I worked for had a near tie between the Glock and the XD (with a lot of people rooting for the XD) when they were selecting a replacement for their 1911s. The Glock won only because it passed the "empty magazine must fall free at 'low temperature'(-40°F)" test and the XD didn't. Your mileage may differ.

Alm,ost ANYTHING fits better under recoil... G19 is ok

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 00:03 (2914 days ago) @ rob

G23 sucks for all day shooting... I've done a week if shooting alloy 45s with perfect comfort. Get and XD, a 1911 an FN a CZ

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Got a 1911 and a CZ...

by rob @, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 04:15 (2914 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I may well buy a G22 or an XD. Or just buy a spare 1911 and carry one of them.

The 19/23 fits me better. No finger grooves would improve

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 06:47 (2914 days ago) @ rob

that and so would removing the hump. While I can shoot them, I don't particularly care for Glocks. I am looking forward to handling the so-called Gen 5 guns.



Do any you find the Glock 17/22 fits your hand better than..

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 07:34 (2913 days ago) @ rob

My 2 cents: when I was looking to "modernize" a few years ago, the Glock's felt like a brick and shot poorly in my hands, the XDm9 5" felt great and shot great in my hands. I have since improved my handling so that I can shoot it better than the 1911's that I have been shooting for over 50 years. YMMV

I had an XD-9 previously and

by rob @, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 14:04 (2913 days ago) @ Cherokee

Later an XD-45 Compact. The 9 was perfect and I should have kept it. The 45 had an issue that got resolved on the XDm guns as well as the little XDs guns. The XD variants are at LOL very ergonomic.

Yes, plus my Gen 3 Glock 17 is the most accurate

by Bob Hatfield @, Sunday, October 02, 2016, 17:01 (2912 days ago) @ rob

9 mm pistol that I've ever had. If I am real careful mine will shoot 10 shots of premium ammo into a group hovering around 2-1/4 inches at 25 yards. What is neat is that the grouping is nice and round with many of the holes touching. Keeping a handful of shots on a 100 yard black bullseye posted at 50 yards is really doable. And hitting a B-27 in the torso at 100 yards is sort of easy. All from a rest that is. But you must ask why shoot a pistol at targets at 100 yards? I guess just to see if I can hit the mark. Bouncing or barking cans on the ground at 35 yards is really enjoyable.

The grip is something I notice when I handle the weapon. I had a G23 before and like it has been said it hurt to shoot it a lot but it too was pretty darn accurate for sure. It just seem to sting. After a few mags you had enough of that for the day. The G-17 fits my old coal miner mechanic hands better.


Yes, plus my Gen 3 Glock 17 is the most accurate

by rob @, Sunday, October 02, 2016, 17:54 (2912 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

You won't hear me ask why shoot stuff at 100 yards with a handgun:) My eyes ain't what they used to be but I consider long range handgunning to be one of the most entertaining pursuits I've ever engaged in. I wish the department approved 9mm. They may, and I may ask about it, but generally they prefer .40 and up. I have a good 45 but I've come around to see the benefits of the 9mm. It's hard to beat good +P 9mm for all around defensive use. I don't have anything against the .40 but if I wanted a heavier slower bullet than the 9mm ID just as soon use a .45. Now a 10mm on the other hand...I'm all about that:)

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