I had problems with the MKIII

by Harry O-1, Saturday, September 24, 2016, 17:30 (2920 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I bought a new MKIII in the 22/45 grip shortly after they were introduced. It had a problem. Very often, I would pull the trigger all the way back and nothing happened. It was just like the safety was on. When I pulled the trigger back a second time, it would fire. That did very bad things to my concentration. I sent it back to Ruger with a description of the problem. They said they replaced some parts in the magazine safety.

It worked a little better, but would still lock up sometimes. I got one of the aftermarket parts kits to replace the magazine safety. It worked. I have not had a problem with it locking up since, and the trigger is improved, also. If they have a MKIV now, I hope they fixed that problem.

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