My "Opening Day"...

by pokynojoe, Friday, September 23, 2016, 20:14 (2921 days ago)

Tomorrow brings another "opening day", and just like countless "opening days" before, I'll rise early, brew some coffee, and drink as I await the arrival of my long time hunting partner. I'll climb into my stand and await the dawn, thankful that I'm still able to do so. I'm not sure how many more times I'll have the strength, but I know I'm good for this season.

Sitting in a tree stand these days, causes me to become quite contemplative. I really enjoy it. Oh…but not for the reasons you might think. It's the only time when I can pull out my book, and just read, knowing there will be no demands, no calls, no "urgent" matters. And if I'm really lucky (or what most would consider unlucky), I'll get to sit there for a good part of the day and just read, and enjoy the scenery from my perch. It's one of my favorite places to read. I started taking a book into my stand years ago, and I never hunt without one.

My partner doesn't understand this, he's an excellent archer, and a very accomplished bowhunter. He fills his tags every year. Me? I've been known to be completely unaware of deer passing under my stand, engrossed in a page turner. He gets upset, I don't know why. Two average size deer for around here is enough meat for my wife and I for the year, I don't need more than that, and it's a long season, if the past is in anyway indicative of the future, I'm reasonably confident I'll succeed. My stands are twelve minutes from my house, so I'll have plenty of opportunity. I'm in no hurry.

Years ago, for a period of three years, from mid September or so until January, I was in the woods every day "wrangling" hunters of one sort or another. Some skilled, some not so much. Tomorrow I'll sit in my stand and think about those halcyon days. I'll think of the 3 AM breakfasts in the lodge every morning, of the men, and some women I met from places I've never been. I'll remember some of the animals taken, and yes, unfortunately, I'll think of the few that were lost, during my tenure there. I'll think of warm October afternoons, and bone chilling December cold, when all I wanted to do was stay in bed, but couldn't. But mostly I'll sit in my stand and wonder where the time went, it's been over forty years since I left that place, and much has happened.

This is what my "opening day" is now. For me, it's a day to remember, to read, to quiet myself, and to be thankful. And if the opportunity presents itself, and my bow arm is steady, aim is true, I'll kill tomorrow, but most likely I won't. It will be a good day either way.

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