
by Byron, Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 20:10 (2937 days ago) @ Andrew

Buy it now. Buy a at lot of it. All you can.

5.56mm and 9mm is at its lowest price in years.

1000 rounds of high quality M193 is readily available for less than $350.00 and 9mm ball for $170.00. This is very cheap. If you have to borrow the money buy a bunch of it.

These prices will not last long.

Listen to this and pay attention. I may be wrong. I have been before (not often).

We shoot a lot here with a goal of 1000 rounds of mixed calibers per month carefully fired in a way that will improve both speed and accuracy. Some is fired as fast as the gun will go and some in very very careful slow fire but all in a way to improve our shooting.

The vast majority of this ammunition are reloads reloaded in the most efficient manner possible. Rifle brass is uniformed by Apex Brass in KC. They take the fired 5.56 and 7.62 brass and arsenal process it to new spec. 5.56mm is completely squared away ready to reload at $35.00/1000. Small base resized, decapped, pockets swedged, trimmed to length and mirror polished and ready to go. This is a real deal.

I dropped off 2 5 gallon buckets (8000 rounds) of 5.56mm brass to them 2 weeks ago and had the opportunity to visit with the owner of the business and he told be to get ready for a long term ammo shortage bigger than 2008 or 2013.

He said he had just bought 11,000 lbs of once fired 5.56mm brass at a local army base auction and then instantly resold it at a massive profit. He said that the wholesale price of his brass had increased 500% since the first of the year and that the sky was the limit.

He said the government is aggressively moving behind the scenes to shut down reloading and drive up both the available and cost of ammunition. The deal with the change in classification of "wetted nitrocellulose" is an example and this will continue unchecked. These are "regulations", not law. They are simple cooked up by the government with no need for oversight by congress. Unless there is a significant change in the winds that blow this will shut down reloading and skyrocket the price of factory pack ammo.

Buy primers and powder.

They can't touch the guns but they can shut off the ammo through regulation. He said 6 months to a year.

Trump will stop this if he is elected.


Spend all you can to buy all the ammo you foresee that you may need for a real long time.

It will never be cheaper than it is right now and if Hillary is elected may be severely limited in the very near future. Regardless, you will have a bunch of ammo bought cheap and stacked deep.

Something to think about.


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