Iver Johnson Model 55, I've owned a couple....

by Otony, Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 13:26 (2952 days ago) @ Scribe

.....and rather admire them.

The trigger return springs can be fragile if abused, so stick to measured rates of fire. Trying to shoot these fast and hard for long periods can be tough on them. Not to say that it is a weak or poor design, just not as sturdy as a Smith or Ruger DA revolver.

I've had a 55 and a Cadet, and wouldn't mind owning either one again. The I-J Cadet was a VERY handy little popper.

I've also owned several H&R revolvers of similar ilk, and like them well enough but preferred the Iver Johnsons.

Hope that helps......


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