Wilson or Gunsite lowered 1911 thumb safety?

by rob @, Sunday, August 14, 2016, 21:25 (2961 days ago)

Ed Head had a post on FB yesterday (I think) with a Ruger LW Commander 9mm with a Gunsite lowered thumb safety. Wilson has one as well in their Bulletproof line , as well as a narrow extended thumb safety that isn't lowered. My Springfield Loaded came with a hideous ambi safety, both sides wide shelf extended types. I'm not a fan of ambi or wide thumb shelf safeties so I popped in a matte stainless standard Colt version that fit exactly right. The rest of the pistol is parkerized except for a factory blued hammer and a blued Ed Brown tool steel slide stop. So, the last upgrade I plan on making to this pistol is a better thumb safety that better matches the black parkerized finish. I'm very familiar with the Wilson narrow shelf extended safety but never handled one with a lowered thumb shelf. Ed mentioned that the Gunsite version fits just fine with no modification needed to the grips. I'm not sure about the Wilson version. If any of you have any experience with either of these lowered shelf versions and have a recommendation or advice I would sure appreciate it.

On another note, I decided to just keep the two CMC mags I bought recently and use them at the range and for backup mags if I ever need them down the road and I bought two Wilson ETM HD +P mags with low profile aluminum base plates. They haven't arrived yet but I suspect they'll do just fine and the flat wire spring is guaranteed to never fail or they'll replace it. That should be a good start on mags and if these are as good as they say I'll just buy a few more in time.

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