We are going to shoot sage rats tomorrow.....

by Otony, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 15:17 (4533 days ago)

....in Prosser, Washington, weather permitting.

We will be shooting on several different farms, with an unusual proviso. Must use .22 Shorts!

In thinking back over the years, I must admit to not having used Shorts more than a couple of times in my life. I have a Remington 550-1 that should be good to go, but am not altogether sure about the sighting. Guess there will be some sights adjustments made tomorrow.


Get the HV HPs if you can. At the shorter ranges you should

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 15:45 (4533 days ago) @ Otony

not need to change sights, at least not radically.



Stole the words outa my mouth. One really should seek

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 16:05 (4533 days ago) @ Hobie

out a Remington M24 chambered in .22 Short to do this properly.:-D

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Stole the words outa my mouth. One really should seek

by Otony, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 21:22 (4532 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Funny you should mention that! A fellow saw me buying .22 short ammo in Big5 (I had already cleaned out Bi-Mart) and inquired what I was using it for. I mentioned sage rats and he asked the kind of gun I was using. When I told him a Remington autoloader his eyes bugged out and he real quick like blurted out "Is it a Model 24?".

Methinks if I did have a 24 I could have named my price, simply from the way he was acting.


I have just bought a 241 but it is a .22 LR albeit a higher

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 21:56 (4532 days ago) @ Otony

grade gun. I need to take and post photos. I really like it! I know why he got excited at the prospect.



Just for laughs...

by Bud, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 08:40 (4532 days ago) @ Hobie

I chrono'ed some older 22 shorts and different 22LR's just 2 weeks ago. It was hard to believe that there wasn't a helluva lot of difference between the shorts and LR's. Used a single shot 22 rifle. There wasn't 50 fps difference...isn't that something ???

Stole the words outa my mouth. One really should seek

by AkRay, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 13:22 (4532 days ago) @ Otony

I had a Remington Model 24 a few years ago that I bought for fifty bucks, so that tells you a lot about its condition right there. It's the one that looks like the Browning 22 autoloader. My gun took down okay and went back together and worked. I put a rubber O ring on to see if that would help the halves fit together a little better. I don't remember if I tried shorts in mine but it fed long rifles pretty good.

the Rem 24 IS the Browning auto. Very cool .22! They made a

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 15:48 (4532 days ago) @ AkRay

.22short only model for a while. A older friend bought one from the store I managed in Moscow Idaho. Nobody wanted it. This 24 was in great shape for it's age. we ordered a case of CCi .22short HVHPs he still has it last I checked.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Awesome day!

by Otony, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 20:30 (4531 days ago) @ Otony

Between the three of us (my buddy brought his 8 year old son) we burned up about 400 rounds, and averaged about a 75% hit ratio. Didn't keep an exact count as it was too fast, fun, and hilarious, all at the same time. All our shooting was in rolling hills covered with grape vines, BTW.

Right about the time I had fired my 100th round, a little collar on the shaft going into the recoil chamber of my 550-1 jammed over a spring. It is on there solid, and will need careful ministrations to remove. Nothing appears permanently damaged, but I am ordering some spare parts from Numrich regardless. I shared a rifle with my host's son from there on out.

Up until that point, the Remmie worked almost flawlessly. A few stovepipes, but considering the last time the rifle was cleaned, ahem, that is not too unusual.

Accuracy was very good, and the rifle made a fine impression on my buddy. I am going to search for a suitable peep sight, as scoping this vintage piece seems like a sin. Yep, all shots were with open sights. My buddy and his son used a pair of Browning lever action .22s, again with open sights. Maybe a red dot would have served nicely, but at the ranges we were shooting, a scope might actually have been a bit of a handicap. Being able to watch for movement over the iron sights was invaluable.

As an aside, I managed to scare a few rats using a Beretta Bobcat .22LR, and scored a hit with a Bersa Thunder .22LR. Only fired a magazine each from the pistols, as we were trying to keep our sound profile low.

A good day, I am well pleased.....


We are going to shoot sage rats tomorrow.....

by bob, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 20:40 (4531 days ago) @ Otony

if you damage ANY grapes or vines, I WILL GET YOU!

We are going to shoot sage rats tomorrow.....

by Otony, Sunday, May 06, 2012, 22:31 (4531 days ago) @ bob

So far as I know, no vines were harmed in the process. I took special care to not shoot any vines, posts, or sprinklers.

Yer vino is safe......;-)


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