Prayers, indeed...

by John Meeker @, Sunday, August 07, 2016, 19:12 (2968 days ago) @ Brian A

He and Docs, didn't discover the disease until it was in his spine. Two months of 'treatment' at Ann Arbor, and he can't weigh much more that 80 lbs.... just disappearing. Known him close to forty years -- 'the kid', ;~') We joke about the "Life Express", and on a good day, can get him on the front porch of his house, to watch the big pond and it's citizens. His salvation is assured, but one has to kick the knee-mail for his temporal relief. We've got a good group of support friends, who informally make sure that visitors are a regular feature of the day.....if it is a day that he is up 'to it." He can still play his acoustic guitars, in a simple melody...and that's how I think of it all, myself,for our friendship.

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