It's a very simple design

by bj @, Tuesday, August 02, 2016, 20:07 (2973 days ago) @ CJM

Build one from nothing but parts and you'll see that it is not only simple but some aspects of it are somewhat carefully thought out. Well maybe the original design evolved to what it is behind the scenes. I can imagine someone working on a prototype and wondering how to keep the trigger pin from sliding out, and devising a solution. Or what keeps the buffer from jumping out of the buttstock.

We take for granted how it works but someone had to figure out how much the bolt carrier group and buffer should weigh, what size gas hole to drill in the barrel, where to put the gas hole, etc. Changing one of these items a little bit and the thing might not work anymore. Of course if you have all of the design right but let something change a little bit such as the gas rings wear or the gunpowder changes and the system doesn't work anymore. This is how I view my cheap lawnmower- it is a simple system and when new it works great but let something wear a little bit and it won't work anymore. And you have a hard time figuring out which part is off.

But back to the AR- it is simple, it does work well, and under most conditions it is very reliable. And accurate, and fun.

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