Steering wheel...

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, July 30, 2016, 08:27 (2977 days ago) @ Hoot

That is a Leapers/UTG 3-12X44 SWAT scope. SWAT = "Side Wheel parallax Adjustment Turret" They sell various versions of it, starting with a longer, heavier one with wire reticle, then a compact version with wire reticle and finally the one on this rifle with an etched glass reticle. For target work the fine etched glass reticle is nice. These scopes stand up to the reverse recoil of the spring powered air rifle just fine. They may not be the finest scope in the world, but have given me good service for what I do. Anyway, the wheel allows you to adjust the parallax quickly to bring the target into sharp focus. One can rig up a tape around them with range markings and a pointer on the scope mount that will allow you to use it for range estimation. In theory at least. I've not done enough field shooting with it yet to get a feel for that part, but the wheel makes it easier to bring into focus and that's why I've got it. Some folks have developed some fairly elaborate "comma" shaped wheels for fine tuning their target ranging at longer distances.

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