Anyone Familiar With Older Log Homes?

by Big Six, Thursday, July 28, 2016, 11:44 (2978 days ago) @ ~JM~

I used to treat (early 1960s) a log home of that vintage yearly with an insecticide in oil base... I believe it was called Penta.

Years later I was involved with some friends who went to court over their log homes (1960s/70s vintage) which were treated similarly with pentachlorophenol (PCP).

As far as I know they suffered no ill effects but had high levels of PCP in their blood samples and had a big court fight.

PCP may no longer be available but it probably was used to treat the house you are considering.

On the bright side the log home is still standing... near the KY River and is being refurbished for occupancy.

Structure: As others have said.... making sure the foundation is sound is critical.

Once that is established ... the chinking of 30s vintage cabins was usually masonry (Portland cement/sand etc) and tended to separate from the logs. It was periodically "tuckpointed" for lack of a better term.

It would help to know the type of logs used... some are better than others.

A close up, walk around inspection with a sharp knife point (or icepick) to check for soft wood especially on the weather side of the house would be nice.

Otherwise... inspection would be like any conventional dwelling.

Good luck.


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