It all started with a fella by the name of...

by pokynojoe, Saturday, July 16, 2016, 23:08 (2990 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Prithwi Narayan Shah, and that would be a good place to start your research. The Gurkhas first claim to fame, so to speak at the battle of Bruputore, somewhere's around 1826 or so, claim to fame that is, as far as western civilization is concerned. Ord Wingate recruited them into the famous Chindits in '43-'44(in case you didn't know, the Chindits are credited with being the first special forces). My Pop had some dealings with a few Gurkhas in Burma, in '44. But that's another story. Your local public library is a good place to start. Am I the only one who uses the public library anymore?

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