Okeydoke, was able to duplicate it in Firefox...

by Paul ⌂, Friday, July 15, 2016, 12:19 (2992 days ago) @ Hobie

hadn't installed Firefox in ages so downloaded and loaded it up. Got it to go to the second page of the index by clicking on "Back to the forum index". Reloading took me to a further back page of the index each time, just as you reported. Weird.

But I'll mark it up to a Firefox issue instead of the forum as I've not been able to duplicate the problem in either Chrome or Opera. Haven't tried the native windows browser(whatever it's called now), nor will I. :-D

Clicking on the text "The Frontier Sixshooter Community Message Board" at the top of the screen takes me back to the first (most recent) page of the index even in Firefox. Firefox apparently has some kind of issue with the "Back to the forum index" link. This issue is not replicated by the other major browsers and can be skipped by using the forum name as the way to return to the main index.

Hope this is informative, if not helpful. :-D

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