The compacts are just spiffy.

by cas, Friday, July 08, 2016, 10:38 (2999 days ago) @ rob

I sure dont need one, but if one ever crossed my path at a decent price I would probably grab it.

I was tempted by a 97 but I was afraid of the magazine supply so I let the urge pass. (I don't think there is a magazine supply problem but that was the excuse I used to talk myself out of it )

I had a CZ75SA go through my hands. I fought long and hard about keeping it, I just couldn't think of what I'd do with it. Maybe a Steel gun, but I still don't shoot steel. lol. I was selling it for a friend's widow , so I selling it for the highest price I could get was the best option at the time, I was too broke to pay much at the time. I still regret not keeping it though.

I still have my USPSA / 3-Gun guns.... Even though I'm not active currently due to injury.


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