New CA gun regs.

by Drago, Saturday, July 02, 2016, 16:26 (3004 days ago) @ Robb Barnes

"Bullet buttoned" AR's and AK's are now considered "assault rifles" and are not to be sold in California Those already sold are to required to be registered by 1/1/2018.

Ammunition purchases will require background checks. Ammunition can only be sold by licensed vendors. Internet and mail order sales can only go to licensed vendors. No direct delivery. No out of state purchases brought in by individuals. For example I couldn;t drive to Arizona, buy ammo and bribg it back into the state....legally.

Limitation on loaning a firearm. With certain exceptions, you can't loan your buddy a gun only an immediate family member.

False reporting of lost or stolen firearms with a 10 year ban on firearms ownwership upon conviction.

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