Nice Grips! Nice Gun! Good to hear from you Robb!

by Robb Barnes, Saturday, July 02, 2016, 00:30 (3005 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

You know Rob, I was just thinking about those bisley hammer projects the other day when I was looking for my template pieces. When they were not in the usual place in the parts box I remember a guy on the Ruger Forum asked to borrow them and I said no problem and shipped them to him for him to use. When the box came back from him he had kept the template parts I made and sent me a small box of 10/22 action pins! No matter how many times I tried to contact him I got no response back. Oh well, he is the one how has to sleep at night knowing what he did. Still, that modification is one of my favorite mods on Ruger guns. In fact I do not own but one Ruger single action that does not wear a bisley spurred hammer!

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