Biden comparing how guns work..this AM on N'atl News

by John Meeker @, Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 06:32 (3016 days ago)

Sounding authoritative, he was comparing an AR to a Colt SA...and demonstrating with hand motions that plainly demonstrated he had never held or loaded a SA. His AR demo was 'movie stlyle'...This vote 'we won' is already under counter-assault...Someday, there will have to be a true and mass march upon Washington DC. No 100, 000 -- but A STREET CLOGGING mobilization that locks that locks the place down, until it is plainly understood that THIS TIME it is a DRY RUN.....don't make us come here again.... Yeah....I know ..fantasy..dream.....unlikely...etc.....I just hope that a decade from now, we all really , really wish we were prepared to and , and executed such a CIVIL PROTEST.

"Hang together, or hang separately."

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