sometimes still hard to understand

by bj @, Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 19:38 (3021 days ago) @ ~JM~

The media likes to back the political side with liberal agenda, that is somewhat understandable. But they have been less than happy with Obama and sometimes even express it. If we were in a political climate where the media was at odds with the government they should understand that the government would be happy to censor them. There is only one thing that keeps the government from limiting media and that is the Bill of Rights. If we start taking apart the Bill of Rights then #1 will certainly become a target of the government. I don't know if the media is just too shortsighted to understand this. They are in effect arguing for their own demise.

The other part of this that I don't understand- Hillary and Bernie both are wanting to rob from the rich to pay their poor voters. How many of the media are rich? Seems like besides sports stars, the next biggest group of rich people that don't work for their money are the people in the media. So they are arguing to reduce their own income.

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