Conversion of Ruger Blackhawk to Bisley grip frame

by Robb Barnes, Monday, May 30, 2016, 00:21 (3038 days ago) @ stonewalrus

There is the easy way like JT mentioned which is just swapping the grip frame, grips, hammer, trigger and upper two allen head screws from a bisley onto your Blackhawk. A matter of 10-15 minutes and it is done. The hard way is to buy all the parts or a parts kit for around $250 but ou get a new unfitted grip frame and then the minutes and hours start adding up when you work that carbon or stainless steel grip frame to match the main frame on your Blackhawk. Personally, I leave the fitting of new frames to guys like Hamilton, Alan Harton or John Gallagher. The parts swap thing is something even I can do. It just depends on your patience level and how much your time is worth to you.

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