Sadly, I never served, but Uncle Sam had me in mind....

by Otony, Sunday, May 29, 2016, 23:24 (3038 days ago) @ Brien

.......pulled a low number in 1973, figured I was going to tour an exotic country all expenses paid. The Peace Accords were signed, so the gummint lost interest in me.

I had been giving thought to enlisting in the Army, so I had a better chance of getting a desirable MOS, but signed up with the US Postal Service for what I figured was going to be a couple of years until I decided what I really wanted to do. While I was floundering around, 32 years passed by, then I was forced into retirement. Now I'm losing money farming and working part-time in a gunshop. Never claimed to be too smart, and it shows.

If I could do it all over, and knew then what I know now, I'd have skipped the PO and gone straight into the Army. I have nothing but respect for those who served.


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