Twyla Taylor is in desperate straits.

by MR, Monday, May 09, 2016, 17:45 (3058 days ago)

Copy and pasted from Jim's facebook page.
I think it's time for IRIS Ministries to come to the plate.

For those that don't Facebook, Rugged Rob or I will keep you updated as significant changes take place.

Heidi G. Baker, PhD
Co-Founder, Director


Jim Taylor

48 mins ยท


The insurance company says they will not transport Twyla to the hospital. They say we bought only "hospital to hospital" insurance!!

Their website says:

Several plans of differing membership period and cost are available.ALL BENEFITS AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED REGARDLESS OF THE PLAN CHOSEN.

Medical Evacuation

When the attending physician and our medical staff determine that adequate medical treatment is unavailable for a member who has an unforeseen and acute or life-threatening illness or injury, we will transport that member to the closest facility capable of providing that treatment. Member evacuations must be coordinated by the Air Rescue Card Emergency Call Center.Call Center.

Her condition is acute if not life-threatening.

I may need you all to flood their phones!

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