Oh wow.... Many/most in the posts above.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, May 09, 2016, 10:19 (3059 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

One each, if you please. :-D

I would be quite happy with an M-S as you describe. 6.5x54, of course.

ANY of the the big, or even most minor, English names; Holland, Rigby, et al. Particularly if it were chambered in .350 Rigby Magnum! Double rifles get extra attention, no matter which calibre.

Classic square bridge Mausers with preferences towards classic calibers like .275 Rigby (7x57), etc.

A small frame Sako...sorry, their model numbers haven't been locked in yet. In some appropriate caliber, e.g., .222, 5.6x52R (if even possible?).

ANY Triple-Lock.

A bit off course, a Volcanic pistol. Any caliber.

Schultz & Larsen, 7x61 S&H, of course.

Hi-Powers, Lugers, a Lahti (just because I have a reputation to maintain), nearly any Colt SAA, and, oh my, the list goes on and on.

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