Back when I was an itty-bitty boy.....

by Harry O-1, Wednesday, May 04, 2016, 12:54 (3064 days ago) @ Art

my Father would often visit his uncle. His uncle had been in WW1, was gassed, and everyone said he was never quite right after that. What I remember about him was that he had a beautiful Marlin lever action rifle on the wall. We talked about it one time. He said that he couldn't get any ammunition for it, so he couldn't let me shoot it. I seemed to remember that he said it was .25 caliber rimfire. He also said that it was a lot better for hunting varmints than a .22 rimfire.

I found printed information on a Marlin .22 and a .32 caliber rimfire, but not a .25 rimfire. I mentioned it on various forums and no one else had heard of it either. I finally ran across a pre-WWII book on .22's; rimfire, centerfire, and wildcats. In it there was a photograph of a Marlin in .25 Stevens and the book noted that it was also available in .22 and .32 rimfire. After all these years, I finally found out that my Fathers uncle and my memory were right.

I would like a .25 as long as it was reloadable.

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