I always carry OWB just back of my hip, or.......

by Otony, Tuesday, May 03, 2016, 20:14 (3064 days ago) @ Otony

.......right on my hip. Inevitably it is with one of Rob's pancakes, although I occasionally use a Shaddo holster from South Africa. Backup is a pocket holster.

In the shop, I open carry, otherwise I have a light shirt, vest, or jacket, depending on weather.

We hiked in the Blues yesterday, hunting morels, and I figured the IWB would be handy and protect the gun a bit more. Wasn't trying to conceal, but my goodness (of which there is not very much, btw) that d@mn thing was digging in and shifting around at every opportunity. It is a single loop variety, I wonder if two loops would make a significant difference? Doesn't matter, I'm flapjacking it from here on out.


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