I've read a lot of different things

by bj @, Sunday, April 24, 2016, 18:35 (3074 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

I'm not sure I trust much of what I read. All I know is that there is none to be purchased at retail around here, at least not by anyone walking in off the street.

We could each come up with our own theories for this, and I have my own. It might take a concerted effort by a competent investigative organization to really figure it out.

I'm not convinced that the industry is producing all that they can produce. If there was a product in this country where you could sell all you could make, someone would be making more of it. In most industries it is the opposite, companies make the product and then exert a lot of effort to sell it. Right now it seems that Remington, Winchester, whoever, could double or triple or quadruple their production and all they would have to worry about is loading it onto trucks.

I notice in the Sunday newspaper this morning that Gander Mountain's advertisement out of the 28 firearm models that they have advertised on sale, 5 of them are rimfire. Are people really buying new firearms in .22LR knowing that they cannot buy ammo for them? (Of additional interest is the S&W Victory .22 auto that has apparently just come out. Externally it appears very similar to the Ruger .22 auto.)

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