Understanding the Elderly

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Wednesday, April 20, 2016, 09:24 (3078 days ago)

Old people can be nice. They were raised that way. They were also raised to take care of their person. To wit:

Police: Intruder fatally shot at Fairmont home

FAIRMONT (AP) — Police say a Fairmont homeowner has shot two intruders, killing one of them.

Fairmont police said in a statement that the 80-year-old homeowner told officers a woman wanted to use his phone for an emergency early Tuesday. After the woman was let inside, two men followed her and demanded items. One of them pulled out a pellet or BB gun. The homeowner then shot the men.

The statement says 28-year-old Larry Shaver of Fairmont was pronounced dead at the scene, while 28-year-old John Grossklaus of Fairmont was in fair condition at a hospital with a gunshot wound. Charges against Grossklaus are pending.

The statement says 23-year-old Whitney Renay Kabiru was charged with robbery and conspiracy. She was held in the North Central Regional Jail.

The homeowner’s name wasn’t released.

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