I do.

by cas, Sunday, April 29, 2012, 16:23 (4539 days ago) @ Byron

Or did. I shaved with straight razors exclusively for about 2 years or more. Then I grew a beard for a while. Lately though I've been using my maternal grandfathers 1966 vintage safety razor, mostly because I find myself shaving in a hurry, half asleep at 3 in the morning. In truth I cut myself much more with the safety razor when I started using it than I ever did with the straight. Now that my life is getting a bit closer to normal again I'll go back to the straight when I can.

I have a Dovo, and a Whacker regrind that I really like, as well as a half dozen or so razors that belonged to my paternal great grandfather who was a barber. (so they're 70-80 years old, maybe more) I used some of them from time to time, but mostly rotated with the two I bought.

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