Lasers? Cool but much ado...

by Byron, Saturday, April 02, 2016, 10:47 (3096 days ago) @ Drago

Like night sights I once thought that every handgun should have them.

If one accepts the fact that almost all man on man shootings outside a military environment take place at very close range and speed is of the essence, things change a lot.

It only took a couple of force on force close range gun slinger classes to convince me that both night sights and lasers are of little value in a shootout at conversational distance (which is where they happen). Most shooters using lasers in these classes took them off their sidearms before the day was over.

One is much better served by buying a high quality airsoft gun that matches his sidearm and a good flashlight and shooting up his buddies in the backyard at night. You very quickly learn what works and what doesn't. Lasers are a disadvantage in these dynamic situations in that they take your attention away from your man and draw attention to yourself.

With a bit of practice almost everyone can reach a level of skill at point shooting that they can hit a door knob almost every time within 10'. This is plenty good.

That said, the Marines tell me that pointing a bunch of rifles fitted with lasers at rowdy ragheads will cause them to settle right on down very quickly...


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