you need glasses specific to shooting

by bj @, Sunday, March 27, 2016, 19:36 (3102 days ago) @ Cherokee

As people get older the lenses in their eyes harden and the range of focus is restricted. The acuity of vision may still be good but you can only focus at a certain distance. For shooting you need to focus on the front sight. If you are nearsighted then you might be reasonably close, if you have good distance vision then you might need low strength reading glasses for shooting. It might take a little trial and error to get the glasses strength good. Glasses at the drug store usually start at +1.25 diopters. If you are a little nearsighted then this might be too strong. I've noticed that you can search the net and find retailers that sell lower strength reading glasses, even lower strength safety glasses, starting at +0.5 diopters. Of course glasses are only helpful with focus. Other eye problems require attention from a doctor.

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