"Man with sniper rifle"......

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Saturday, April 28, 2012, 06:52 (4540 days ago) @ Alfred John

was a woodchuck hunter, in fields where he had welcome permission from the soybean- growing farmer to hunt. The lady in the new big-mega house that had been built in the center of an adjacent ex-wood lot, since I had last been there the summer before, apparently heard me shoot. Took a look out the window, and called 'county'. Fortunately, the responder was rural background himself, and after checking on me, explained to the new homeowner that she now lived the country, & etc.

That was a decade ago, and more active varmit-friends tell me that the 'new grads' from two-year LEO college courses are likely as not to ever have seen a woodchuck, let alone hunted them. Their response can be in 'red alert' mode, pretty excited to have something important to do. So far, no one has been 'tossed and cuffed' but there have some brisk verbal exchanges.

And, to the subject: yup...two local and long established ranges have had similar 'bullet striking inhabited dwelling' incidents. To any one familiar with ballistics, it was obvious that the 'reported' facts were unlikely violations of the law of physics. However, as we know, ignorance is not only an excuse anymore, but a justification for the moral fabrication of erroneous beliefs which coincide with one's political wishes.

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