three recent hunts ...with pictures

by cable, Sunday, March 13, 2016, 14:13 (3116 days ago)

first, my medical practice partner, John, and Stan [ clinic supervisor,who shot the huge moose i posted a little while back ] went with two other guys to Nelson Island where they had musk ox permits: got 4 musk ox, hunting from snow machines.....also got a norovirus and were sick nigh unto death but any least had hunting success :


next our 16 year old [ always its the 16 year olds ! ] got a buffalo permit for delta junction. these are free ranging bison up around fort wainwright and after many disruptions to plans we got it all together to go during the school spring break week . my wife , her brother, and Johnny drove up thursday pm under the northern lights, literally. checked in with fish and game for orientation on friday, scouted friday, talked to a farmer lady we knew through friends, went over saturday morning and after 3 hours of tracking and sneaking in woods and meadows got the shot [ several shots] at a bit over 250 yards. my wife texted the code words:


before that happened , i hadi gotten off work friday evening, was loading up more gear, guns etc and going up to join them saturday am. that's when i got my my moose....or well maybe he got me....or we got each other:


going 65 mph on cruise control, on the glenn highway not far from anchorage, it popped up out of the median and there was nothing to do........truck is likely totaled and i am lucky [ i don't mean that, i mean Blessed ,really ] that i wasn't totaled as well:


got one of the officers to take my pic with my cell phone. lots of cuts and one real bleeder. my daughter, home from college on spring break, and her friend [ i call her my other daughter ] came and got me and we loaded that truck load of gear, guns, ammo, etc up and got me back to anchorage, in time to pick up my oldest son who also came in on spring break....he was shocked.

i am blessed, happy, and i have the whole week off with these great young people; we will be hanging up the buffalo this afternoon and spending a couple days at the lake and ice fishing.

and i am exultant to be alive and well and all parts still attached. [ the moose was a total loss ]

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