Hey Art...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, 20:15 (3141 days ago) @ Art

I'd be happy to send you all of my small primer .45's just to frustrate you. No problem at all and it would help me out immensely. ;-)

Seriously though, the .45 is pretty easy to load for overall. I've had a number of issues here and there; mostly related to seating depth or brass quality (throw all "A-MERC" brass as far into the weeds as you can). One thing that helped me with reliable feeding was the Lee Factory Crimp die. Perhaps it's my preceding techniques but I would occasionally get a loaded case which would not feed...perhaps 1 in 50 to 75 or so. Plays hell on your concentration in a match. I backed out my seating die so it would not crimp at all and added the step of the FCD and have had no problems since.

Enjoy and holler back if you need any help.

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