Anything that makes it easier to carry a firearm is a good

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 11:45 (4543 days ago) @ FOG

thing. I do see some real tactards running around at times. You can tell from a mile away they are packing...on the other hand with open carry here in AZ nothing quite like a local wearing sagging jeans with a nylon drop leg rig for his Hi-Point...
Roger Cox pointed out THIS choice cometary below the article: "Two wrongs, do not make a right. Why anyone would want to defend themselves, perplexes me. If someone wants to harm you, or your family, JUST LET THEM! We have laws to deal with crime after the fact, if and when the criminals are caught."WOW! Just WOW.

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