Read it.... I don't buy it....

by JD, Western Washington, Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 15:56 (3155 days ago) @ Byron
edited by JD, Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 16:06

Maybe a few grains of truth, but a whole lot of what my cows leave behind...

For an example, if it came to the violence the author anticipates, you would see Germany rapidly move from its' socialist leaning society now back to a goose stepping militaristic society of the past. The tendency towards an ordered, structured, obedient society has definitely NOT been bred out of the German people. It has been covered up with a nice veneer, but underneath still beats the heart that allowed the development of a military society. If suitably threatened, it would react in a heart beat. Anyone really familiar with the Germans understands this.....

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