Virginia Reverses Gun Ban Decision

by Big Six, Monday, February 01, 2016, 08:55 (3157 days ago) @ Gary G

I talked with a lifelong friend from VA last night.

He said the action started by the AG (rabid anti gunner) was hogwash, This:

Herring feared that dangerous people who would not pass a background check in Virginia could obtain firearms in states with weaker gun laws and bring them into the commonwealth.

He was trying to imitate Obama executive order concept in VA and caught flack in many ways over doing it.

My friend said the governor (another rabid anti gunner) overruled the action as stated...

McAuliffe agreed Friday to reverse the concealed carry decision in exchange for concessions from Republicans.

solely in order to obtain concessions (on other issues) he would, otherwise, never have gotten from the Republicans in the legislature.

In other words, the anti gunners were using our Second Amendment as a political football in attaining other political funding.

The governor was/is not a Second Amendment supporter.... just a card player of sorts.

Expect more in VA and other lefty controlled states.

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