Jeff Quinn is in Intensive Care with severe pneumonia.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, January 30, 2016, 21:12 (3159 days ago)

Calling in on my PRAYER WARRIORS!!
Jeff Quinn is in Intensive Care with severe pneumonia.
Jeff had been getting weaker by the hour over the past several days and we were thinking it was related to his kidneys. He had been extremely week on our trip the week before.
Yesterday evening, he lost consciousness at home and fell out with such force that the blow to his head initiated a brain bleed.
The ambulance to Erin ER revealed the brain bleed, infected lungs and heart rate steady in the 30's.
He was life-flighted to St.Thomas in Nashville last night and where he now begins his 2nd night of a stellar team of ICU staff trying to manage his fever & blood pressure along with all his antibiotic therapy. The bleeding has slowed to a stop and no surgery necessary.

So my Facebook Prayer Warriors, lift the man up in healing prayers and add him to your prayer chains as you see fit. Any and all prayers are welcomed and appreciated.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

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