Ask and you shall receive...

by Byron, Saturday, January 30, 2016, 11:23 (3159 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet
edited by Byron, Saturday, January 30, 2016, 11:53


A matched set of adjustable sight S&W 1006 and 6.5" S&W610 Classic.

Also the 1006 has been completely gone through with top end action job by Alex at Ten Ring Precison in San Antonio. Very crispy crispy...

Also a bunch of magazines for the autoloader and maybe 100ish moon clips for the revolver.

Also a 5 gallon bucket of empty brass and set of carbide reloading dies.

Also a very nice real deal Milt Sparks holster for the 1006.

Also a 50 BMG ammo box full of 180gr. lead reloads.

I would shoot up the reloads before shipping as I do not sell my reloaded ammo.

I have no idea what they are worth but they are pretty old and they are probably worth at least a couple of hundred dollars.


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