
by Big Six, Saturday, January 30, 2016, 11:15 (3159 days ago)

It’s getting close to that time of year when I need to get out… in the woods… with a gun.

I don’t really suffer from cabin fever because I have to cut firewood, tend to animals, plow snow etc. but it isn’t like just sitting in the woods with a rifle/shotgun/pistol.

I visited family north of here last night and we gathered primarily in the kitchen where we fed our faces. (sound familiar?)

My nephew (who has hunted on our place since 1977) said he got a call from neighbors regarding feral hogs that were ruining their farm. They spoke of huge numbers of hogs (possibly exaggerated) but the damage they did was not exaggerated. They wanted him to help in eradicating the hogs… ASAP.

He builds hog traps as a “side endeavor” and plans to place some on their land soon.

He checked with the local game warden for the details and got a “go ahead”.

Without explaining KY game laws I plan to try to hunt some swine later this spring along with ground hogs when they start cleaning their dens in late March…. weather/health/commitments permitting.

They are notoriously nocturnal when feral but I have a devious plan… BAIT.

The warden said that is fine.

I plan to use shell corn or cob corn whichever I can acquire most cheaply.

Any better bait ideas from hog hunters? I have raised many meat hogs but never hunted them in the wild.

I have a friend in GA who invited me many times but I never went.

I am in the September of my life and always wanted to hunt feral hogs. They were always “far off” but it appears they are coming to me. (40 miles north + or -) They eventually will be on our place…. Blessing or curse I’ll take it.

I will be using a “bigger than appropriate” ground hog gun but I have been wanting to try out a toy in some clear country. I am mostly heavily wooded here.

When they eventually get here on my place I’ll try them with a big bore revolver from the back porch.

Bait ideas from the experienced are appreciated.

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