As with most things...

by D. Sikes, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 12:30 (3162 days ago) @ Sarge

I agree Sarge...

I'm not a "one trick pony" voter... it has to be the "whole package" ... sometimes you have to go ahead and take a few bad beans in the bag and then pick them out after you buy the bag...

and at the moment... I don't feel too comfortable with the running field out there... they scare the piss outta me... this next election will show how well the balancing act will be between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches to keep each other in line.

Bernie said there has to be a grass roots surge to change things... he's right... as it stands now... there is too much pressure and control of government by lobbiests, corporations, and "monied" special interests... including the NRA... they don't represent me anymore... they only represent the "money" pile.

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