Looking for a few guns...

by Bryan Pettet, Monday, January 25, 2016, 10:43 (3164 days ago)

I used to have a fairly serious collection of pre-war S&Ws, boxes, etc. Sold all that to finance the elephant hunt in '07. Sold a bunch of other cool stuff for diff reasons. My good friend JD thinks I'm crazy and he's usually right. I'm ready to start looking for a few items. I'm a little burned out on the mint collectible stuff so clean, above average shooters are my goal. Here's a short list of things I'm looking for...

Marlin 39A - no preferences on variation at this point

S&W K22 1st model

Marlin 1894 CB in 357 mag (20" octagon)

FA 97 in 357 - something around 4"...RB and octagon is a plus

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