Question best things about 844/335 vs 846/BL-C2??

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Wednesday, January 20, 2016, 12:15 (3169 days ago) @ John K.
edited by RidinLou, Thursday, January 21, 2016, 11:23

I have a limited amount of both 844 and 846, but need loads for 222(50 and 55 grain) and 223 (55-69 grains).
Have been working up 55 grain loads with the 846 in 223, but maybe should go back and try the 844?
What say ye?

And to make this on topic for the board I recently tested 296 @ (15.2) and 4227 @(14.5) in the 357 with 358429 and they are more accurate than any load I have shot out of the 357.
I thank Glen for the 4227 load and fecmec for the 296 loading suggestions.

Both are right there in the 3rd edition of the Lyman Cast Manual, but for whatever reason never tried. If the backside of a 1 gallon jug of water is a hint, at 50 yards they hit with authority.

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