I have a 16" Tactical version in stainless...

by rob @, Friday, January 15, 2016, 20:09 (3174 days ago) @ Art

It's a 9" twist and with a 4X scope seems to run the gamut from about 1.5" on ammo it really likes to about 2-2.5" on average and some ammo running in the 4-4.5" range. It's picky but I really like it. My AR will put most ammo pretty much in the same POI but my Mini will put most .223 55 grain in one POI and 55 grain 5.56 about two inches high and two inches left (or right...I disremember). I finally settled on WWB 55 grain 5.56 for serious stuff because it consistently runs 1.5"-2.0" at 100 yards. I was ecstatic to find it shoots the Monarch 55 SP from Academy just as well, maybe better and puts both in the same place. So, with that rifle, those are its two loads. Right now it has no scope on it for the sole purpose of trying to get comfortable with the factory sights and see if I can get used to the peep with my astigmatism. It helped me greatly to cut the little side ears off the front sight, uncluttering the sight picture. For now, I'm shooting the Winchester stuff about 2" at 50 yards and about 6" at 100. I'm just not a fan of peep sights but I AM trying to get it:) I bought a set of XS ghost ring sights for my 10/22 take down and have them installed (but not sighted in yet) and plan to practice with that and put the 4X scope back on the Mini. If I ever get the hang of the ghost ring sights and get really comfortable with them, I may well remove the scope. I love the feel of the rifle without a scope, and I love that (unlike an AR or AK) the gas piston is on the bottom so the sights are closer to the bore where they they belong. I just wish it had AK sights...oddly enough, I can make them work well even with my astigmatism.

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